January Newsletter - Teaser Trailer

January 01, 2021

Happy New Year!

To kick the year off we have a little teaser trailer! Enjoy!

Chroma Mutations

While we can’t show off any just yet, we wanted to share what our “shiny” mechanic will be in our game!

  • In Mythren, you won’t be capturing a creature again and again for the random chance to earn a chroma. Instead, you will be rewarded for completing certain in-game achievements. Once unlocked, you will be able to equip this chroma mutation whenever you want, allowing you to customize your mythren even further than before!
  • We hope putting time and effort towards an obtainable goal instead of towards a random chance would fit better with Mythren as a game. This also ties back into Mythren’s fighting game roots by giving multiple fun recolors of each Mythren.


  • Zane has been working hard on finishing up the Kaiya rig and has started adding some caves into Zone 1 to offer more routes to get around the various locations found in zone 1. He’s also been working on a lot of behind the scenes work on our future Kickstarter that should be launching early in spring this year!

  • Jon has been working along with Zane on Kaiya’s new rig so we have a nice set of poses for Kaiya in the new conversation system that was seen in the teaser trailer. Also, he’s been working on adding some more quality of life tweaks and changes to the tutorial via pop ups when you collect an item and having the quest tracker visually display on the UI.

  • Drake has finalized a few more mythren designs, one of those being Bearlete! Then also another Mythren who you’ll be meeting this month and has started work on finalizing yet another mythren design that we will be showing leading up to the Kickstarter!

  • Nana has finished working on our fancy new logo and did a stellar job with bringing our logo a much needed update! Here’s how it looks:

Mythren Logo v2


  • On twitter, we recently showed off the adorable mythren trio known as Bearlete! This cute group of Mythren will fight together as one singular Mythren! Making them one of the more unique playable Mythren in the game!

Meet Bearlete

  • If you missed the teaser trailer at the start of this post, then here’s the juicy info at the end of the video! This February, there will be a character reveal trailer for a mythren that’s code-named Rad Lad.

  • Also, we mentioned our Kickstarter which is coming this spring. If you want to aid the team in helping make sure the Kickstarter page is as good as it can be, you can expect Zane to be asking a few questions in our Discord regarding things like backer tiers, general content mentioned on the page, etc

Thanks for reading and see you next month on February 1st!